Happy Solstice;
Ok it will be tomorrow..........Can u believe it time continues to speed along and i am trying to move with it. As we spring i wanted to blog about my direction and my shape as an artist. The first pic is a picture of yours truly,yep its me Rhonda the mover and shaker behind Outsider Art In A Box now i am not one for posting my picture as like others i don't enjoy having my pic taken but felt that at times when u read blogs its like reading someones ghost stories,u see lots of words but no connection to who is writing them.
The title of this entry is fitting cause i question myself on a regular basis as to what does shape me as an artist. Well the second pic is two books i just finished recently one the Book of Negroes was gifted to me at xmas and the other is a library book,both have impacted me in huge ways and naturally more questions i am left with to reflect on.
The Book of Negroes has fueled me in working more in terms of myself as a black womin and to incorporate that into my creativity . Its interesting if one pays attention to ideas that are asking for our attention in our creative expression and
my heritage continues to nudge me until its acknowledged.
Supplies a book by Julia Cameron author of Artists Way truly validated my experiences in the Artist Community at large here in Vancouver BC. I encourage u artists to pick up this book remain open and let the words flow.I understand in many ways why i chose to remain a solo artist. I am beginning to evaluate and challenge my creative process which is a good thing it keeps work fresh.
What changes are u making in your creative process??
Are u a solo artist or more of a group artist?
What have u learned about yourself as an artist in the last year?
Well Creatives heres to springing!!!
Happy Creative Day..
In Artistic Solidarity;