Hi My name is Rhonda and i love to AlterAnything;
I follow 12 steps of AlteredAnything which I apply to my life . Ann Blackwell had a big part in bringing these steps into being...Thanx Ann
12 Steps of AlteredAnything:
1.We admitted we were powerless over altering-that our lives and our studios had become become unmanageable.
2. Came to believe that a Power greater thatn ourselves inspired our creativity.
3.Made a decision to turn our will,our lives and our altering over to the care of the Goddess and allow her to lead us forward.
4.Made a searching and fear less inventory of our supplies and and all the rest of the junk we save up because ,"I might use that someday."
5.Admitted to the Goddess,to ourselves,to all our friends and to other altering artists the exact nature of our accumlation of STUFF for altered art,and that anyone else's trash is our art stash.
6.Were entirely ready to make altered art day and night to the exclusion of all other work,including cleaning,cooking and even putting supplies away after each project.
7. Humbly asked the Goddess to remove our shortcomings,except when this would apply to our alteredanything addiction.
8.Made a list of all persons we harmed and became willing to make altered art for them all.
9. Made altered art for these people whenever possible,except when to do so would excessively deplete our supply stash.
10. Continued to take an inventory of our supplies,and when we were at the dollar store,liquidation store,or other junk store,promptly replenished it.
11. Sought through creativity and the wide world web to improve our conscious contact with other alteredanything artists,seeking and sharing inspiration wherever we went in our daily lives.
12. Having had an artistic awakening as the result of these steps,we tried to carry this message to other compulsive alteredanything artists,and to practice these principals in all our creative endeavours. AA 2005-2006 Copyright
Yep these are the steps i walk in my daily life try them u might like it..The pics above are some of my altered expressions.
Upcoming Outsider Art In A Box Art Party :
October 21 2006
10:00 am -1:00pm
Lets figure out what can fit can fit inside a small box that is dispensed from a vending machine. Come and meet the artist and hang out in her art filled space,experiment with diverse materials and ideas or bring along your own creative thoughts. All materials supplied.
Interested in becoming part of this growing project well come along bring a sample of your work or not. Registration and boxes available. Artists contributing to Outsider Art In A Box please feel to drop in.
Limited Spaces Pre-Registration required
Tune In October 3,2006
Outsider Art In A Box Vending Machines is expanding Come and visit us here to see whats been added.
October 7th Deadline!!!
For those that are contributing for the upcoming Home and Interior Show October 13-15 see above deadline.
Its a beautiful day in the neighborhood and i am finshing an very overdue piece.
Chow For Now;
Zine Makers
Film Makers
The basic idea for the above empty boxes is simple.Particpants create their chosen creative expression that fits in a box measuring 4 1/4 " length, 3" width, 1" deep.
Submit a sample to Outisider Art In A Box Vending Machines
Address: 5910 Rupert St
V5R 2K7
or Drop Off at Above Address
Questions???? fe-mail.......alteredanything@shaw.ca
Phone......... 604-439-2449
$10.00 Submission Fee( one time fee)
Why a submission fee???
Outsider Art In A Box is personally self funded by yours truly,i work on a shoe string budget.
The fee is put towards starter kits( your first 25 boxes,additional boxes are 25 cents each) postage, purchase of new machines,maintenance and advertising.
Presently i am but one creative force behind the scenes,it takes time for some things to be done like admin tasks...
I am now done the proposal and it has been sent off and moving right along this brings me to the above post.... Outsider Art In A Box will have three machines at the Home And DESIGN Show show upcoming at BC Place October 12-15 2006
So your creative expression is needed to fill the many empty boxes that await you to fill.....
I am creating and making it a priority to begin having some of my own creations in the boxes in the upcoming months.
The countdown is on for a new reveal for Outsider Art In A Box Vending Machines
Stay Tuned beginning of October .....
Have an Awesome Weekend!!!
As always In Artistic Solidarity;
My People My People!
Greetings from sunfilled Outsider Art In A Box Headquarters.... I am quite late getting this posting up today as it was fill the machines and test day. Yep the two machines are now placed at Granvillie Opus and Framing,North Vancouver Opus and Framing...i want to give a huge shout out to the staff at both places you guys rock!!!
I Thank-You for your enthusiasm,questions,curiousity and support for embracing Outsider Art In A Box Vending Machines in your stores.Sarah and Heidi thanx for putting this together!!!
Balance has been my mantra as of late,truly honouring the middle ground.. so fun and work are my daily walk...backing up a bit since i posted i have been taking in the water as of late either on it or watching the going on's.
This morning started out with the beautiful Granville Island,i gotta tell ya it looks way different early am,the blue skies and the so,lovely heat was very welcome as i trucked off to attend to the Granville Island Opus machine,then hoping a bus and sea bus to North Vancouver....Its been years since i took the sea bus it was a beautiful view outside all around. I am someone who enjoys public transportation,i sold my car when i moved into Vancouver as for me it was pointless driving in the constant speed and frenzy,yeah at times it may take a bit longer but i figure whats the hurry....i get to see a whole lot more when someone else is driving....
Thanx to Chris (Granville Island Opus) for lending a smile to Outsider Art In A Box Vending Machine painted by Nicci B. www.brushedwithmagic.com
Dusty and Christina ( North Vancouver Opus) are lending a creative pose and great smiles to Outsider Art In A Box Vending Machine decoupaged by Leanne B.
We went on a cruise for my partners work on Saturday,the city sure looks different when one is floating about on the water...
A good friend jumped in this year to dragon boating,so yesterday i strolled over to check it all out,it was neat i was asked to join the team next year...flattering but i am more the zen on the water type,plus the fact i am so naturally directionally challenged that i would be going against the natural flow of the team...so i think i will be a spectator and a groupie and stay on solid ground.
The rest of the week for moi will be spent writing a proposal for the possibility of a Outsider Art In A Box Vending to go back to New Brunswick and appyling as a Artist In Residence this is all for Winter or Summer 2007,so please excuse me if i am not as chatty in upcoming posts gotta focus...
Your creative expression can fit into a box,try it u might like it...
Keep it coming!!!
In Artistic Solidarity;
The ragmag.net ran a story on Outsider Art In A Box Vending Machines,this magazine comes out of the Fraser Valley and is Published by Gwynne Hunt.
This Magazine can be found around Vancouver especially Commercial Dr. The next couple of days i am quite focused on preparing two machines for two Opus Framing stores on Granville Island & North Vancouver.
It amazes me how many little things need attention to keep things agoing....
For those that were unable to view all the vending machines that were at Petri Dish in July/August above pic is a peek-a-boo as to some of the creativty spread throughout seven of the machines.....
Well its a creative day here at headquarters,time to say so long for now....
Have an awesome day!!!
Life is a Journey not a Destination~Live It~Dream It~Be It
In Artistic Solidarity;