Hi My name is Rhonda and i love to AlterAnything;
I follow 12 steps of AlteredAnything which I apply to my life . Ann Blackwell had a big part in bringing these steps into being...Thanx Ann
12 Steps of AlteredAnything:
1.We admitted we were powerless over altering-that our lives and our studios had become become unmanageable.
2. Came to believe that a Power greater thatn ourselves inspired our creativity.
3.Made a decision to turn our will,our lives and our altering over to the care of the Goddess and allow her to lead us forward.
4.Made a searching and fear less inventory of our supplies and and all the rest of the junk we save up because ,"I might use that someday."
5.Admitted to the Goddess,to ourselves,to all our friends and to other altering artists the exact nature of our accumlation of STUFF for altered art,and that anyone else's trash is our art stash.
6.Were entirely ready to make altered art day and night to the exclusion of all other work,including cleaning,cooking and even putting supplies away after each project.
7. Humbly asked the Goddess to remove our shortcomings,except when this would apply to our alteredanything addiction.
8.Made a list of all persons we harmed and became willing to make altered art for them all.
9. Made altered art for these people whenever possible,except when to do so would excessively deplete our supply stash.
10. Continued to take an inventory of our supplies,and when we were at the dollar store,liquidation store,or other junk store,promptly replenished it.
11. Sought through creativity and the wide world web to improve our conscious contact with other alteredanything artists,seeking and sharing inspiration wherever we went in our daily lives.
12. Having had an artistic awakening as the result of these steps,we tried to carry this message to other compulsive alteredanything artists,and to practice these principals in all our creative endeavours. AA 2005-2006 Copyright
Yep these are the steps i walk in my daily life try them u might like it..The pics above are some of my altered expressions.
Upcoming Outsider Art In A Box Art Party :
October 21 2006
10:00 am -1:00pm
Lets figure out what can fit can fit inside a small box that is dispensed from a vending machine. Come and meet the artist and hang out in her art filled space,experiment with diverse materials and ideas or bring along your own creative thoughts. All materials supplied.
Interested in becoming part of this growing project well come along bring a sample of your work or not. Registration and boxes available. Artists contributing to Outsider Art In A Box please feel to drop in.
Limited Spaces Pre-Registration required
Tune In October 3,2006
Outsider Art In A Box Vending Machines is expanding Come and visit us here to see whats been added.
October 7th Deadline!!!
For those that are contributing for the upcoming Home and Interior Show October 13-15 see above deadline.
Its a beautiful day in the neighborhood and i am finshing an very overdue piece.
Chow For Now;
1 comment:
very cool rhonda, love it.
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