Monday, May 28, 2007

Unlocking Potential...............

Hail Art Beings;
I send u warm blessings from Outsider Central...Its been a busy time full of frolic and work.Dear Friends from Calgary were hanging out here at Outsider for the past week and sadly they are winding their way back home today. Cathy and Bella the Mother/Daughter creative duo are big supporters and contributors of Outsider.
The time spent together was wonderful brainstorming and bouncing ideas around, my head runneth over but i feel so creatively filled up.

Today I picked up keys to the studio YAHOO and Saturday morning is moving time.. The schedule for the studio is posted and i invite u to come on down and partake of an Art Party. (click on it)

I am unlocking my potential by stepping out and embracing my dream of having a studio again its been around 4 years in making do working with limited space, but its time as Outsider has truly been a wonderful teacher pushing,encouraging,growing my potential. I tell ya its all good!!!

Ok moving right along with the above pics..Kathy bought some new coffee condoms( these are fluff free for u men out there) to put in the machines,she like alot of u does not enjoy pic taking of themselves.
Bella is working hard on the darn it dolls above while hanging out.

K time to sign off and say so long farewell.

Please stay tuned as posts will be updated frequently over the next little bit as transitions take place.

In Artistic Solidarity;

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