Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The Creative Process

Good Day All;
The last time i left off i was at the Interior Design and Home Show,All in all i am wiped this will be a shortie post...

Outsider Art In A Box Vending Machines was very well received and embraced,it was overwhelming being surrounded by lots of people.. The experience last week gave me insight,validation as to my creative direction..The legs above i created i took to house my guest book these are a commission piece,well this is what pulled the people towards us..People of all ages loved these funky legs,i had several offers of purchase lol lol..

The above pics are those of creative patrons using the machines and checking out their art surprise,Thanx to the Artists for their creations people were delighted with their art in a box surprises.. I encouraged those that used the machines to contact the creators to share their pleasure. The pic of greenery is wall mounted gardens that can go inside your space kewl eh!!!

Please don't forget to enter the Outsider Art In A Box contest..want to know more please scroll down a few posts to find out the details..

In Creative Solidarity;

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Rhonda
I didn't get to the home show but have enjoyed your photos etc. The legs would have been a great draw card! What a good idea! Delighted to see a couple of pics featuring my pieces. Keep up the great work.
Mary Jane