Thursday, August 03, 2006

Two Stepping....

Salutations Creatives;
Another beautiful day here in beautiful Vancouver BC .....
thanks to you all for your insights from my last blog,your support and wisdom is very much appreciated.

Outsider Art In A Box continues to evolve at a rapid pace.. This is a great thing to talk about.

The Submission Fee has been changed to $10.00 this includes your first 25 boxes to get you started and boxes are 20 cents each after that.

Artwork/Craftwork continues to spill in.......KEEP IT COMING!!!!!

Above pics are a few peeks as to what you can get from the art vending machines that are presently showcasing at The Petri Dish 2406 Main St.

Please support the artists creativty and The Petri Dish by strolling in and checking out the diversity and creativity of the art vending machines.

I am working on a commission assemblage piece for a garden so time to pitter patter get at her...

Have a creative filled day!!

In Artistic Solidarity;